Law of attraction has been the most popular topic of the 21st century. Hundreds of books have been written about the subject and lot of research has been done in the fields of neuroscience, biology and genetics.
In simple words, law of attraction means creating your reality with your thoughts. Whatever you focus on expands!
Whether we believe in it or not, it does exist – it works and governs our lives, just like any other force in the universe.
A life without a goal or aim is wasted!
Every person must have a goal to achieve. It keeps you inspired and makes your life purposeful. These goals can be classified as long-term goals and short-term goals.
If you want to be aligned with the force of law of attraction for manifesting these goals, you need to know the rules, the formulas and the components that make this law.
If you are new to this concept, don’t worry, it’s the easiest and the simplest law to understand.
If you have read a lot about it, practiced it – and still didn’t get any results, perhaps it’s a good idea to spent little more time to read this article till the end, maybe there is some important component missing in your practice.
Lets assume you have already set a goal for yourself.
Rule No 1 is to work on the single goal at a time. Remember you need to focus on something for it to expand.
Rule No 2 is to have an intention behind the goal. For example, if you want to reduce weight it’s necessary to know:
Why is it important to you?
How are you going to feel any different when you reduce unwanted fat?
Answer to these questions will vary from person to person. Some of them are: to feel beautiful, healthy, desirable, lovable, powerful, intelligent, successful etc.
Rule No 3 is to define a time frame to achieve the goal.
Rule No 4 is a reality check. For example: is reducing so much weight in a given time period healthy for you?
Now we have set the goal with all its components and next step is to set the law of attraction into the right direction. For this you need to answer the following questions:
Do you believe this is possible?
Can you imagine yourself having attained your goal?
If your answer is yes, you can proceed to the next stage.
Stage to use self hypnosis
Let me tell you the truth – any kind of hypnosis is self – hypnosis.
No one else can hypnotize you other then yourself.
The best thing you can ever gift to yourself is to master the skill of self-hypnosis. I know you think I am exaggerating here. Trust me, I am not. If you have a little more patience left to read till the end, I will explain the matter in detail.
All the steps and the rules that we have discussed above were created and answered by your conscious mind. Your goal, the intention behind it, the time frame, whether its realistic or not, etc. This is the job of your intelligent mind.
Yes, this mind is intelligent, but its less than 1/10th of your overall mind, it works only when you are awake and sleeps when you are asleep. And it has to think and focus daily on thousands of other things other besides your goal.
More then 90% of your mind consists of subconscious mind. This mind never falls asleep, always works, it is responsible for millions of bio-chemical reactions happening in your system to keep you alive, including your breathing. (Trust me, if our conscious mind was in charge of breathing you would have stopped it long time ago out of boredom.)
The problem is, subconscious has no intelligence of its own. It works like a computer and remembers every experience you have ever had. Some of these experiences are marked as positive and others as negative.
Now, when you use self-hypnosis, you are in touch with your subconscious mind, giving instructions to the giant within you using the skills of visualization and imagination.
Guess what, your conscious mind knows that you are faking, it’s not real. But subconscious can’t make out the difference. You keep faking it till you make it.
Have you already done this?
Have you read the book “Secret”?
It didn’t work for you?
I know what you mean, I had many clients with the same complaint; they practiced the Law of attraction and instead of manifesting their goals, they have lost all the self–esteem that they had and felt totally hopeless. Maya, a client of mine who bought an online course about manifesting abundance with the last available amount on her credit card was devastated when results didn’t show up.
What’s actually happening in such cases? Should you blame your luck and destiny? Or do you think your subconscious doesn’t work?
Calm down. Think about it.
There is not a single unlucky person who is not grounded on earth with the gravitational force.
If every other law works equally for all of us, so should the law of attraction.
What we need to examine here is the virus in our computer –subconscious mind, that deletes the positive suggestion and visualization that we are feeding in everyday with self hypnosis.
In short if you are using self hypnosis to program your subconscious mind and not getting the results, it is a feedback that you have a virus in your system.
What are these viruses made of?
These viruses are called limiting beliefs. We are not aware we own them, because it is held in the subconscious mind.
These beliefs are there to support us and save us from so-called negative experiences. And since subconscious doesn’t have an intelligence of its own, it uses these beliefs to the best it can to keep us safe.
For example, some of the limiting beliefs that could block you from financial abundance and success could be:
Money is the root of all evil
Successful people are selfish.
If you are rich you have no time for yourself.
You can’t buy happiness etc.
Can we run the anti-virus program?
Yes we can, and this process is called Hypnotherapy.
An experienced hypnotherapist can easily identify your limiting beliefs and help you to change them.
A hypnotherapist can teach you self-hypnosis. Once you have de-weeded the garden of your subconscious mind from viruses, you are ready to plant the seeds and then nurture them daily with imagination and visualization.
So remember to use self hypnosis every day and “Keep faking till you make it.” And in case you get the feedback that it doesn’t work, refer to a professional hypnotherapist to eliminate your limiting beliefs.