Past life regression therapy has become very popular after the famous books like “Many Lives Many Masters”, “Only Love is real” written by dr. Brian Weiss.
Past life regression therapy occurs under hypnotic trance. A Person may experiences past memory as vivid movie or flashes of images, sometimes accompanied with sounds. While in trance person can experience emotions felt in that time frame. Client under the trance is conscious, Observes the experience and is able to communicate with the therapist.
Who should seek for past life regression?
There is lot information about past life regression therapies and many people inquire about these session. People from different religions background are curious to explore unknown. Many times when asked why do you want to experience PLR, they have the same answer, to know who I was in the past and why am I here, what’s my purpose.
Past life regression is a very beneficial healing and insightful experience, providing deeper spiritual understanding and inspiration for such clients.
However I get clients who are convinced that issues in the current life are coming from the past lives. Even if this is the case, I have my apprehensions guiding client into particular experience until past life regression is spontaneous. There are cases, where physical, mental and emotional issues get resolved by past life regression therapy. But most of these cases are spontaneous regressions and they are not lead by the therapist.
For most of the issues to resolve with hypnotherapy it is important to access first sensitizing event, however it is very difficult to judge from the conscious mind of the therapist or the client where this ISE originates. During age regression if client automatically regresses to the event that doesn’t belong to current time frame, it signifies that memories are coming from the past life experiences. Only trained therapist in PLR should conduct such sessions.
How can past life regression help you?
With past life regression therapy works on different levels:
- Physical – health issues, such as skin conditions, allergies, cancer and other autoimmune disorders.
- Mental – different phobias and anxiety
- Emotional – understanding painful patterns in relationships
- Spiritual – spiritual growth, understanding and aligning with life purpose.