Hypnotherapy for Exam anxiety. Exams create a lot of stress not just for kids and teenagers but for adults as well. This anxiety has many layers, it is fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of disappointing parents, fear of not being good enough so on and so forth. What makes it worse is the very real concern of forgetting everything one has learned and studied and going blank during the examination. And these fears actually cause the blanking out to happen. It is a frequent complaint from children and young adults that because they blank out at the last minute, they do poorly on exams even though they have studied hard and consider themselves well prepared. The truth is, exams are just an evaluation to find out how much you know. It is a tool for constant self-improvement and growth.
However the meaning and value of examinations has been lost in today’s excessively competitive world. Competition is fierce at all levels of academics and careers and even if parents are not pressurizing their children with unrealistic expectations, peer pressure is enough to create appalling levels of stress and anxiety. To be able to know how much you know and let others know what you know too, you will have to gather all the knowledge stored in the most perfect computer ever, your own personal processor – your mind.
Let us say, your intention, goal, preparation and determination to do well on the exam is in your conscious mind, while the ability to achieve that goal is in the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like the worldwide web with all the information you have stored there by studying, revising and attending classes. Your conscious mind is like your device, on which you want to call up the learning and knowledge you have stored so that you can show it to your examiner. You will need to focus and concentrate so that the spotlight is on a particular topic you need to recall to do well on the exam.
Just like how Google search can help you access all the files that have been preloaded on the web, your conscious mind is designed to bring up any data you need that you have stored as you prepared for the exam. Now, all you need is a fast and dependable connection between your conscious and sub conscious mind to access your learning, quickly and easily! You can establish this connection by being super relaxed, with laser like focus and concentration.
How can hypnotherapy help overcome stress anxiety?
Hypnosis has been proven to be the most powerful way to relax your mind and overcome your stress and anxiety. A guided session with a hypnotherapist will help you identify specific triggers for anxiety and allow you to disable those triggers. You will learn advanced self hypnosis and be able to reach a very deep level of relaxation so that you can establish a good clear connection between your conscious and subconscious mind. At this level of mind and body relaxation, you will be able to change the state of fear and anxiety into a positive, resourceful state such as motivation curiosity and accurate recall to make your learning and studying much more exciting and rewarding.
Duration of Exam Anxiety :
While this largely depends on the level of anxiety being experienced, usually 3 sessions are enough to assess and resolve examination stress/anxiety.
Book your 30 minute free consultation session now to know more.