Stop Bed wetting/Nocturnal Enuresis With Hypnotherapy. Most children are toilet trained by the age of 3 to 4 years and usually, it is not considered to be a problem until the age of seven. However, some children continue bedwetting into their teens as well. Only when a child is older then 7, and is not able to control the bladder during sleep, parents should become alert. This condition is called Nocturnal enuresis. There are many reasons for bedwetting, from emotional trauma to excessively deep sleep and lack of motivation, etc. Nevertheless, it is important to evaluate the condition through the child’s pediatrician and get a urine analysis test done, to eradicate any medical causes for the enuresis.
Ideally when the bladder is full, nerves from bladder walls send a message to the brain and it responds back with the message to keep control until the person is able to go to the bathroom. People with nocturnal enuresis can’t control their bladder and involuntarily urinate while asleep. This condition is very traumatic for teenagers. They lose self-esteem, feel guilty and ashamed, helpless and lost. It keeps them away from many fun activities, such as going to summer camps and sleepovers. While largely this is a condition seen mostly in pre-teens and teens, there are adults too who suffer from nocturnal enuresis.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help to Stop Bed Wetting?
- Hypnotherapy has been acknowledged as one of the most powerful and fastest way to stop bedwetting. It works like a miracle. In most cases after just 2-3 sessions, children find that are free from this condition and they quickly incorporate new, dramatic and positive changes in their lives as a result of this liberation.
- In 1984 Dr. Den Kohen conducted the largest study using hypnotherapy to treat 257 children with nocturnal enuresis. All these children had tried medication and bedwetting alarms and preventive measures previously. After 2-3 sessions 45% were completely dry, without relapse. 32% were dry half the time and others were either not motivated enough or had parents who were too involved.(Lawless MR, McElderry DH. Nocturnal Enuresis: current concepts. Pediatr Rev 2001; 22: 339–407.)
- Hypnotherapy is a successful intervention even after all other strategies fail, such as medication, bedwetting alarms, curtailing fluid intake for hours before bedtime, etc. All these options teach the child dependency on outer circumstances.
- Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, enables them to be self-dependent. The effect of being in charge of one’s own self can have a rewarding and empowering impact, allowing the child to gain self-confidence and self–esteem that reflects in every area of his/her life.
- Before booking an appointment for your child, it is important to book a 30 min free consult and meet the therapist alone, without the child. This session enables the therapist to understand details about the condition and helps the therapist and parents to collaborate on a plan of action to keep the child away from unnecessary anxiety.
- As a parent, you too will have a several of questions and perhaps some anxieties of your own that you may clarify before you decide on this program.
Duration of Stop Bed Wetting :
In most cases it takes only five consecutive 1-hour sessions to stop bedwetting completely.