Hypnotherapy for Fear of flying. Overcome fear of flying with the help of hypnotherapy :
- Does the fear of flying prevent you from visiting your family and friends?
- Do you experience constant negative thought like plane is going to crash? Or there is not enough oxygen to breathe?
- Do you have sleepless nights as soon as you plan your trip?
- Do you experience your heart pounding every time you think about flying?
- Do you experience panic attacks during the flight?
- Are you losing opportunities professionally because of fear of flying?
- Are you avoiding holidays because of your fear of flying?
- Do you still fly with a lot of stress and anxiety using medication and can’t stop thinking about return journey instead of enjoying your holiday?
Do you experience symptoms like :
- Breathlessness
- Tightness in chest
- Sweating
- Panic attack
- Discomfort in stomach
- Heart palpitations
- Feelings of dread
Do you know that hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful ways to get rid of fear of flying and to enjoy your holidays or business trips?
Sometimes fear of flying is expressed with claustrophobia, fear of height or even death. In some cases clients have experienced trauma during the flight. Most of the clients developed the fear later in their lives, and yet there are people who have no idea when and why they have this fear. With the help of hypnosis all of them get rid of fear of flying. Success rate with hypnotherapy is 100%.
Duration of Fear of Flying :
In most of the cases it takes 2 to 3 sessions to get rid of this fear and start enjoying holidays with your friends and family without consuming any alcohol or medication.
Book your 30 min free consult now to know more.