Hypnotherapy for Physical pains & aches. Pain is a language through which our body communicates with us. It’s an invitation to pay attention. Even though you can completely eliminate pain from your body with the help of hypnosis, it is not advisable to do so, unless it is psychosomatic or as a complementary method to existing ongoing medical treatment.
There are two types of pain, acute and chronic. A person with acute pain is unlikely to refer to the hypnotherapist for help. Mostly people with long term, chronic pains choose to seek hypnotherapy to manage their pains.
Hypnotherapy is a very effective tool to manage any pain. Studies show that more then 80 % of people with different chronic pains experience significant pain relief after using hypnotherapy. It is not surprising therefore, that hypnotherapy is widely used to manage pain during dental procedures, childbirth and cancer pain.
You can find several reference and research articles published by US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health about the positive effects of hypno-anesthesia in providing relief in intraoperative and postoperative pain.
Some of the conditions where you can opt for pain management with hypnotherapy are:
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Abdominal Pain
- Dental Pain
- Chronic Knee and Joint Pain
- Back Pain
- Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain
- Chronic Muscle Pain
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Fibromyalgia
- Shingles Pain
- Sciatica Pain
- Spinal Pain
- Joint Pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Central Pain Syndrome
- Phantom Limb Pain
- Neuropathy
Many people suffer from what is known as ‘psychosomatic pain’, experiencing pain even though there seems to be no physical or medical evidence of a cause. These pains however, are not really ‘imaginary’ as the term might suggest, but are caused by mental and emotional disturbances. Our mind has the ability to store unresolved emotions, and if left suppressed and unattended for too long, these unresolved emotions may manifest in the body as strange and baffling pain. From the perspective of therapeutic hypnotherapy, to some extent, every disease then, is psychosomatic.
Hypnotherapy is very powerful, natural, non-invasive, non-toxic and safe method to release unpleasant emotions and relieve the associated pain.
Duration of Therapy for Pain Relief :
The duration of therapy for a person suffering from physical pain cannot be pre-determined and must be assessed on a case by case basis.
Book your 30 minutes free consultation now to know more.