Overcome agoraphobia with hypnotherapy. Social anxiety is one of the causes of agoraphobia. It is the fear of public places, such as shopping malls, movie theaters, open spaces, other crowed places, where it is difficult to escape. Person suffering from agoraphobia is anxious about having panic attacks in these places. Depending on the severity of condition, they avoid leaving their comfort zone at any cost. For example, severe form of agoraphobia will restrict a person from moving out of their house or room. No amount of conscious effort can eliminate this phobia.
As any other phobia, root of this problem lies at subconscious level. Agoraphobia symptoms are very similar to an anxiety attack. In fact it is the fear of having anxiety attacks that affects the person with agoraphobia. Physical symptoms are: increase in heartbeat, sweating, rapid breathing, trembling, pain in the chest, nausea.
How can hypnotherapy help to overcome agoraphobia?
All phobias are thought disorders and are best treated with Hypnosis and NLP. Hypnotherapy is found to be a very effective method to treat agoraphobia. Hypnosis creates an altered state of consciousness, where a person experiences deep relaxation at physical and mental level. With NLP techniques and powerful suggestions to the subconscious phobia can be eliminated completely.
Duration of Agoraphobia :
5-7 sessions are required to change the thought process and direct your mind into positive outcome of phobia free life.
In case agoraphobia is so severe that you are not able to step out from home, initial Skype session can be booked.