Hypnotherapy for Eating Disorders. Eating is one of the most pleasurable and natural processes of the human experience. People are diverse and so are likes and dislikes when it comes to food. Appetites vary and everybody has unique relationship with food. You might eat when you are hungry or follow a time bound schedule with regularity. By and large, however it is safe to say that the amount of food we consume is meant to satisfy our genuine hunger. Eating becomes a disorder when we start controlling or manipulating hunger, or eat far more than necessary or are unable to stop eating. Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, binge eating are a source of much pain and misery in a persons life.
Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening conditions. The sooner you start the therapy the easier it is to overcome it and lead a healthy lifestyle. In all eating disorders denial and anxiety is very persistent. Anorexia is the most serious eating disorder. Extreme food restriction leads to malnutrition and starvation. Body weight can sometimes fall to such a low that it could prove to be fatal. A person suffering from anorexia needs medical treatment. Hypnotherapy is used as a complimentary therapy to bring about shifts at the subconscious level and help the client incorporate some positive and empowering behavioral changes.
Bulimia is more difficult to diagnose, because a person suffering from it can have display average body weight. It starts with weight-loss dieting, that’s followed by an uncontrollable urge to eat. It becomes an exhausting cycle of diet-binge-purge. Binge eating disorder is similar to bulimia, but there is no purging activity involved. Binge eating distracts the person from the real issue – emotional pain. After an episode of binge eating, they feel guilty, depressed and ashamed of their behavior. Most of the times, and because of a persistent state of denial, people suffering from these conditions will hide their behavior from family members and friends, creating further isolation and loneliness.
There is deep emotional pain that is hiding behind all these symptoms. It is very important to identify the root cause and help the client to create new choices in their relationship with food and self body image.
How Hypnotherapy and NLP can help in recovering from eating disorders:
Hypnotherapy can be a very powerful tool to resolve the emotional cause of all eating disorders. People with this condition experience anxiety, fear, guilt, helplessness, etc. The underlying root cause of eating disorders can be uncovered during hypnotherapy sessions. Working with the subconscious helps the person to overcome painful emotions, create new thoughts, responses and attitudes.
Hypnotherapy is used to teach client easy ways to practice deep relaxation. Under a safe and deep trance state, a person is hyper suggestive to positive suggestions and this enables them to change their relationship with food, increase self-esteem and self-confidence. With the powerful tools of NLP a person can be empowered to think, feel and behave differently with regard to their body image and food.
Family plays a vital role in our emotional wellbeing. Often, one person with an eating disorder can throw the entire family into turmoil and chaos. Working with immediate family members is therefore a very essential part of therapy. Part of the therapy is to help educate family members and coach them to create a strong emotional support system for the client.
Duration of therapy to address eating disorders :
The duration of therapy for a person suffering from eating disorders cannot be pre-determined and must be assessed on a case by case basis.