Are you saying you have tried it all? Diet, exercise, intermittent fasting, counting calories, and nothing helps you to loose weight and achieve your goal?
There might be various reasons behind failure in the path of weight loss.
You might be blaming yourself that you lack the motivation or are not serious enough, but that’s not true, If you have been committed to any diets, or exercise and you have spent your time and energy to do so, you need to stop blaming yourself. It already confirms that you are motivated and eager to loose weight.
Then what it is that doesn’t allow you to achieve what you want?
The answer to this question lies in your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is the tool to identify this hidden demon and help you overcome it.
Not everyone has the same reason to loose extra fat. However, results are very similar for all.
When you reduce your body fat your overall health improves, you become more energetic, fit, and look younger. There is no reason why you wouldn’t want to do it.
Then what stops us from achieving our goal and maintaining the lifestyle that supports a healthy living?
It’s our subconscious beliefs. Your subconscious mind may find it essential to maintain certain body image, eating and sleeping habits for various reasons. Some of them are:
- Associating food with feelings of comfort.
- Emotional eating, such as eating while being sad, angry, anxious etc
- Being overweight to keep yourself isolated from intimate relationships
- Feeling of belonging to the family where other members are overweight
- Associating fatty or sweet foods to your past positive memories
- Identifying sweets as a reward, feeling of being loved
- Expressing passive aggressive behavior to someone who is concerned about your weight. For example, if your partner is worried about your body weight, every time you have an argument with him/her you tend to eat more as a way of punishing your partner.
How does hypnotherapy help?
According to the study by Kirsch, Irving (1996). (“Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments”-Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64 (3), 517-519.), people loose about 2 to 16 times more weight under hypnosis than when they do not use it.
Experienced hypnotherapist will be able to identify the beliefs that keep your body weight at the curtain level.
Hypnotherapy will help you:
- To identify the emotional triggers and recondition your mind to have a new healthy relationship with food and exercise.
- To increase self-esteem and confidence.
- To overcome cravings and learn to choose right food for a healthy body.
- To sleep well.
- To reduce stress levels.
- To develop overall positive attitude towards the life
Hypnotherapy should be used by anyone who is serious about weight loss.