Do you wish to become a professional clinical hypnotherapist?
Dr. Irina Khanna is an international trainer of clinical hypnotherapy in India. Hypnotherapy trainings she offers are certified by EKAA foundation and are very well recognized and respected in India and abroad. These hypnotherapy courses are comprehensive and research based. Hypnotherapy certified course will enable you to gain theoretical and practical knowledge to guide your clients and help them change their lives.
Dr. Irina Khanna has been an international trainer for more then 10 years. Currently she conducts only a few trainings a year in India, Pune. Each group has maximum 12 participants to get in-depth practical knowledge and experience.
Integrated clinical hypnotherapy Certified by EKAA
Clinical Hypnotherapy Foundation Course
Foundation course in clinical hypnotherapy is the first step to become a certified clinical hypnotherapist.
In this course you will learn about human mind, conscious and subconscious, how we form beliefs from childhood, how we store our memories etc. You will get answers about art and science of hypnosis and its role in therapy.
You will learn powerful tool of self-hypnosis for motivation and self-growth.
Content of the workshop:
- Fight Flight Response
- Theory of the MIND
- What is Hypnosis?
- Dream cycle
- What is stress and how to deal with it
- Self hypnosis
This course will help you to:
- Understand your behaviors
- Improve-interpersonal communications
- Increase Confidence & self-esteem
- Improve quality of sleep
- Improve focus and concentration
- Manage stress level
Duration: 3 hours
Clinical Hypnotherapy – Level 1
Basic Course in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy
Content of the workshop:
- History of Hypnosis
- The Development of the Human Mind
- The Theory of Mind
- The Theory of Suggestibility
- The Laws of Suggestibility
- The FLIP
- Hypnotic Inductions
- Deepening Techniques
- Hypnotic Session
- Create powerful Suggestions
- Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
- Awakening Techniques
- Self-Hypnosis
This course is for:Psychologists & Psychology Students, Counselors, Corporate Trainers, HR Professionals, Social Workers, Doctors, Healers, Yoga therapist, Individuals who are motivated to create change and excel in their lives.
Duration: 2 days
Clinical Hypnotherapy – Level 2
Certification Course in Integrated Hypnotic Modalities for Behavioral Resolutions
Content of the workshop:
- Hypnotic Modalities
- Ericksonian Hypnosis
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Dream Interpretation & Therapy
- Stages of Emotional Development
- Hypno-Diagnostic Tools
- Hypnodrama
- Age regression and Therapy
- Fear & Phobia
- Pain Management
- Basics of NLP
Duration: 5 Days
Prerequisite: Certification in BasicCourse in Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy
Clinical Hypnotherapy – Level 3
Advanced Course in Integrated Hypnotic Modalities for Health Resolutions
Content of the workshop:
- Physical & Emotional Sexuality
- Relationship Counseling & Negotiation
- Family Systems
- Hypnosis for Children
- Inner Child
- Energetic Cord Management
- Counseling and Interviewing Techniques
- Eating Disorders – Anorexia, Bulimia& Binge Eating
- Habit Management
- Weight Management
- Anger Management
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Defense Mechanisms
- Basics of Graphology
- Mental Bank
- Past Life Regression Demo
Duration: 5 Days
Prerequisite: Certification inIntegrated Hypnotic Modalities for Behavioral Resolutions
Clinical Hypnotherapy – Level 4
Certificate Course in Integrated Spiritual Hypnosis
Content of the workshop:
- History of past life regression therapy
- Concepts of past life regression therapy beyond time and space
- Past Life Regression
- Past Life Therapy
- Reframing and Re-scripting
- Patterns from the Past
- Present Life triggers
- Higher Self Therapy
- Concept of Parallel Realities for healing
- Life between lives
- Life Script Therapy
Duration: 6 Days
Prerequisite: Certification in Advanced Course in Integrated Hypnotic Modalities for Behavioral Resolutions